Tuesday 17 February 2009

From crisis to crisis, Men isn't it the time to go back to reel values and observe the main principles of "The Woman Attitude"?

Though I am highly optimistic as my yellow IMA profile shows, I must recognize that my deep feelings are that this world goes directly to nowhere, a sort of BANG BING!

It is obvious for anyone realistic that Capitalism is the only known economic system that shows it can work! The best proof of Communism failure, although I have to say that the ideology can seduce, is that Russian as Chinese have given up!
But it is also obvious that the main crisis of Capitalism have appeared when the Fortune of few people has been a result of the impoverishment of the large majority.
To work properly, Capitalism needs a balance between the expansion of prosperity and the repartition of this prosperity!
It seems that the economic leaders of the Planet have forgotten to take this parameter into account, this resulting in successive crisis 1990, 2000, 2007, each time more serious.

How did all this occurred? Where does this blindness come from? This is THE QUESTION...

Though it has no real relation in term of consequences and stakes, I observe that I am experiencing the same blindness in the development of my activity...When I began to introduce Sublimelle, a range of wines dedicated to women to the wine industry composed by 99,9% of men, 80% of them told me " This is not what women want!". I used to think at this stage that as it is universally recognized that 80% of men do not understand women, I could be in the right direction!I have spent 1 year studying the wine market, analysing women approach, making hundreds of experiences and interviews and I was facing Men who did not do that but knew the TRUTH! No Doubt: these people do not know the word "Doubt".
Montaigne wrote: "Rien ne semble vrai, qui ne puisse sembler faux", which could be translated like this: nothing that seems to be right, cannot also seem wrong. The doubt is the basis of human intelligence. If you have no doubt, you become as a computer, enable to face a new situation. Doubt is not a weakness as many Men tend to think nowadays but a proof that you are able to question yourself, to change and adapt to the Evolution.A society where leaders have no doubt go directly to nowhere, in the Abyss (i.e. the recent financial crisis).

The second reason which explain how we reached this delicate situation is the Cupidity. Not happy to rule the world most of our economic leaders have thought that they needed to increase their Fortune quicker. Doing this they created a very big imbalance at the expanse of the majority of people. Yet the Capitalism system is based on mass production and mass consumption and if the majority of people are not able to buy, the system fall come down immediately like a house of cards.Ghandi said:"Replace the cupidity by Love and everything will be at the right place!". This quote is also valid for Capitalism. And if I can let me add "Replace also ego by compassion and life will be less painfull for millions of people!"

The 3rd reason of this crisis is a lack of commitment and responsibility...When you are able to leave a company that you brought to a seriously bad economic situation with millions of $, £ or Euros in your pocket, how can you be considered as responsible and committed?I have always learned that you must assume the consequences of your actions and this is what I try to learn to my children.
One of the most important thing in life is to be able to face your own failures!Be close to many women networks in the latest year, I realized that the principles that my Mum (Thanks to her!) transmitted to me: listening, understanding, tolerance, positive thinking, compassion and commitments are values shared by most of Women. It is what I would like to to call "The Woman Attitude"!

So Men, if you want to built a world with a future for your children, please consider each of these principles as a pace towards a more balanced, harmonious, peaceful and humanist society, towards a world where most of the people will have a role to play.


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